Ethno World世界民族器乐音源音乐创作

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Ethno World世界民族器乐音源 中文名称:世界民族软音源 英文名称:Best Service Ethno World 3 Complete VSTi DXi 1DVDR 别名:Ethno World 3 Complete 资源类型:ISO 版本:World.v.3.0 发行时间:2006年 制作发...

Ethno World世界民族器乐音源  

英文名称:Best Service Ethno World 3 Complete VSTi DXi 1DVDR
别名:Ethno World 3 Complete






是世界民族音色类软音源中极为少见的好音源!Ethno World CD 音色库包括了全世界70多种非常少见且历史悠久的乐器。
Ethno World的音效让您有身临其境之感:您可以听到弹拨琴弦的声音、木管乐器的呼吸声以及每一个音符或是声响衰减的感觉。您可以听到手接触鼓皮的声音、鼓边效果音和泛音,以及其他国家乐手的风格和情绪。我希望Ethno World最能够满足使用者的期望,因而整套软件是用大量层次繁多编配的样例、多元化的风格、充裕的循环以及高质量的采样效果组合而成。

大字二组F调吉他、Saz七弦琴、弹拨二胡、弹拨小二胡、康塔勒琴、小康塔勒琴、Truxa曼佗罗、Framus班卓琴、斯里兰卡吉他、Falcon钢弦吉他、管钟、沙龙、西藏铜铃、上海儿童钢琴、加麦兰撞铃、Kibirizi克林巴琴、半音阶钢片琴、小竹片颤音琴、铁琴、西藏筒钦、小缅甸铜铃、印度舞蛇笛、墨西哥短笛、爱尔兰低音口哨、舍利塔笛、陶笛、竹笛、F调中音木笛、D调苏萨托锡制口哨、斯里兰卡舞蛇笛、小鼓、高音军鼓、非洲大咚咚鼓、Madal鼓、达拉布卡鼓、大手鼓、伊朗邦果手鼓、祭奠太鼓、小手鼓、印度手鼓、达布卡鼓、小达布卡鼓、小军鼓、小型小军鼓、蒂姆巴尔定音鼓、传统邦果手鼓、加麦兰中鼓、Besar铜制18寸锣、气功铃、泰国14寸锣、中国指击鼓、手鼓、无膜铃鼓、非洲谷制大沙槌、腹鼓、加麦兰木制牛铃、Rainmakers、竹制风铃、Dream Catcher、Chicken Eggs、阿弗珠网沙槌(卡巴萨)、各种沙球、传统牛铃、响板

Ethno World 第二卷出自著名的电影配乐大师 Macel Barsotti (曾为《伯尔尼的奇迹》Das Wunder von Bern,《顾城别恋》The Poet,《海豚》Dolphins配乐),包括全世界70多种非常少见且历史悠久的乐器。Ethno World第二卷对声音质量以及民族乐器的风格演奏技巧设定了新的标准。您将会在这将近3GB的采样素材中,发现这些民族乐器被以多样的演奏风格、不同拍速的循环演奏,和装饰音以及大量的特殊的音效。

乐器被分为以下七组:弓弦、拨弦、木管和铜管、钟铃、键盘、世界打击乐器和世界鼓乐。几乎全部的乐器都是用不同的节奏立体声效果录制的。在软件主界面,多数乐器都预置了基调。通过这些基调,您可以选择乐器不同的演奏风格。一些乐器(例如:二胡)有着12度以上的跨度和演奏风格。此外,所有的乐器有着各种拍速的不同的循环、装饰音和特殊效果。这些乐器来自世界各地棗亚洲、非洲、欧洲和南美洲。Ethno World第二卷可以在各种不同的乐风中使用,例如:民族、主流、电影配乐、先锋、民族音乐、流行音乐和摇滚乐。

高胡、京胡、二胡、马头琴、埃及提琴、筝、锡塔尔琴和Tampura琴、Dra-Ngen、巴乌、葫芦丝、Dung Dkar Conch Trumpets、Zukra风笛、秘鲁奥卡利纳笛、阿拉伯手鼓、Gopichand、Balafon和非洲木琴、Bass Cajon和Yambu、非洲击鼓乐厖也包括了可供您任意搭配的鸣钹乐器


ETHNO WORLD 4 PROFESSIONAL is by the renowned film composer Marcel Barsotti. This composer has already won several awards. He has composed music for more than 80 cinema, advertising and television films and his musicians have been placed in the charts several times.
ETHNO WORLD 4 PROFESSIONAL contains more than 200 professionally recorded ethnic instruments and more than 14,000 high quality samples in the following categories:
Bowed instruments, stringed instruments, woodwind and brass, key instruments, bell type instruments, metal type instruments, world drums, world percussion, gongs and bowls, and  the new category of voices.
Therefore, ETHNO WORLD 4 PROFESSIONAL with its 10 gigabytes of samples is one of the most extensive ethnic library in the world.
New in ETHNO WORLD 4 PROFESSIONAL is for instance a complete Morin Khuur string ensemble (Mongolia). It is now possible to create a whole string arrangement with up to 14 key switches, similar to large orchestra libraries.
Many instruments from all continents can be played, for example Saron, Tibetan Bells, Saz, Kantele, Irish Flutes, Military Cassa, Angklung, Egyptian Fiddle, Erhu, Gaohu, Scale Changer Harmonium, Bouzouki, Santoor, Hulusi, Dung Dkar Horns, Cajon, Balafon, Western Fiddle, Monochord, Irish Flutes and the new  Duduk, Dvojacka, Hotchiku, Shakuhachi, Fujara, Ciaramella, Mankosedda, Jews Harp and Launeddas. Originating from India are the well known string instruments Dilruba and Esraj. Unique and for the first time for EW4 are a Mongolian choir, Overtone Singing, and individual female and male voices. Altogether, there are 1400 licks and loops of outstanding quality and playability.

All ETHNO WORLD 4 PROFESSIONAL instruments and voices are played by renowned musicians under the direction of Andreas Hofner and Marcel Barsotti – Egschiglen Ensemble, Sandro Friedrich, Sandro Hussel, Enrique Ugarte, Raoul Alvarellos, Seref Dalyanoglu, Fabian Rőmer, Tom Hake and many more.

ETHNO WORLD 4 PROFESSIONAL, along with the new Kontakt 2 Player, are entering a new dimension with their progressive programming: with EW4 it is now possible for the first time to transpose all instruments and playing styles into any chosen key using the Kontakt Elastic Audio Engine “Time Machine 2”.  All drum and percussion loops can be played in all tempi with the Time Machine II and each individual loop is completely free to be programmed in all parameters. Using the Sample Start Offset it is possible to select the point when a lick starts playing. A Legato Modus is now available for solo instruments – very effective for instance with woodwind. With the Humanize Modus each new note can be given a slightly altered timbre. Microtuning makes possible the greatest diversity of ethnic tunings and tone scales.

With ETHNO WORLD 4 PROFESSIONAL it is now possible to program in an entire orchestra.

5.5GB Free Hard Disc Space, DVD Drive

●Windows XP, Pentium III/Athlon 500 Mhz, 512 MB RAM

●Mac OS 10.2.6 or higher, G3 500 Mhz, 512 MB RAM

●Win XP, Pentium IV/Athlon 1 GHz, 1 GB RAM, DVD drive

●Mac OS X 10.3 or higher, G5 1.8 GHz, 1 GB RAM, DVD drive


●WIN: VST,RTAS,DXi。 ASIO,DirectSound

●MAC: VST。Audio Units,Core Audio,Core MIDI,RTAS。###好是好,太大了。###在哪里可以下呀?楼主###谢谢了,先下了###顶一下,看看!!!###哈哈,看来我们都在盼望能够分离出的单个音色呀
